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Kiya Designs - Daisy Alpha Set

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"Daisy" Alpha SetPNG format - 0-9, A-Z, a-z, !, &, ?​


A fun set of alphas free to use.


They come in grayscale base color and you can colorize and resize as needed for your projects.​


To see more of these go to the Taggers Resource page.


​Please observe Terms of Use



Сopyrights for tags:

© Kiya Designs

KD-FREE (for use for all free tubes/products)


The product is for personal use only. This cannot be used for any commercial purposes. You may not use anything on our site for commercial purposes. This includes but is not limited to: selling the product, selling the file, modifying our designs and using them in a product that you sell, modifying our designs and using them in a file that you sell, modifying our designs and using them in a file that you give away for free, uploading our files to any other site.

You will get a ZIP (2MB) file